CASE Dean’s Medal Nomination

Awards faculty commitment to undergraduate success

The CASE Dean’s Leadership Council recognizes one outstanding faculty member a year who has made outstanding contributions to the academic, professional or personal growth of the undergraduate students. The awardee, selected from a slate of nominees, will receive a customized commemorative medal to wear at commencement and a financial award of at least $2,020.

Dr. Krueger receives her medal in 2022 from Dr. Colin Potts, provost and executive vice chancellor of academic affairs.

Who may nominate

All Missouri S&T faculty, administrators, staff, students or alumni may nominate a CASE faculty member who teaches in these departments:

  • Air Force ROTC
  • Army ROTC
  • Arts, Languages, and Philosophy
  • Biological Sciences 
  • Chemistry
  • English and Technical Communication
  • History and Political Science
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Physics
  • Psychological Science
  • Education

Nominations from department chairs are encouraged. Self-nominations are not accepted. Nominations for the 2024 Dean’s Medal are due February 29, 2024.

Award criteria

Nominees demonstrate excellence and innovation in any combination of the following:

  • Instruction in classrooms, laboratories, field settings, and/or other learning environments
  • Academic and/or pre-professional advising
  • Leading students in significant community engagement
  • Fostering caring, inclusive, and respectful learning environments
  • Advancement of research of student learning and pedagogy
  • Obtaining significant external resources for improving undergraduate learning
  • Mentorship of undergraduate research and creative activity projects that are disseminated through
    outlets such as juried performances, presentations at professional conferences, and publications
    in peer-reviewed journals

Contributions to student success can be made during any time period.

Nomination packet

Suggested examples to define your nomination


  • Teaching awards, grants, conference papers, and journal articles that pertain to the scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Examples or testimonials of innovative teaching and/or learning strategies in the classroom that led to improved student learning


  • Examples of accomplishments that enhanced student research, scholarship and creative activities
  • Mentorship of undergraduate student research

Service to students

  • Mentoring, student academic advising, student organization advising, recruiting, and service learning

Deadline for nominations:  February 29, 2024

2024 Dean's Medal Application

Should you need need help with the nomination process, please contact Megan Fowler at or 573-341-4668.

Previous Winners

Agnes Vojta

2024 Winner

Irina Ivliyeva

2023 Winner

Merilee Krueger

2022 Winner

Dave Westenberg

2021 Winner