What you need to know

College Physics

Missouri S&T Physics department gives high school students the opportunity to earn college credit in PHYSICS 1145 - College Physics I, offered in the Fall Semester. An introduction to the ideas of physics, including mechanics, heat, and sound.  The Physics Department is also offering Astronomy, PHYSICS 1505 with the accompanying laboratory, PHYSICS 1509.

Class Schedules

This course is offered in person 

Fall Semester 

Physics 1145

Students would need to take the Lecture

(MWF 8-8:50 AM)

Lab Section 

(Either Tuesday 3-4:50 PM or Wednesday 6-7:50 PM) 

Spring Semester

Physics 1505

Students can take 1505 with or without the accompanying lab, physics 1509

(MWF 3-3:50 PM) 

Lab Section 

Physics 1509

(Either Monday 6-7:50 PM or Wednesday 6-7:50 PM) 

Students may not take Physics 1509 without taking 1505 




Using the Credits/ Requirements

Physics 1145, 1505, and 1509 are part of the Missouri core transfer curriculum (core 42). This credit is guaranteed to transfer to any Missouri public university.

The Physics 1145 sequence is algebra-based and fulfills the requirements of majors such as biological sciences and environmental science.  It does NOT fulfill the needs of calculus-based physics for majors such as physics, chemistry, and most engineering fields. However, Physics 1145, provides an excellent preparation for taking calculus-based physics at the university.

Physics 1505 and Physics 1509 give a general education science credit. 


Dr. Thomas Vojta

Chair, Curators' Professor

Department of Physics