What you need to know

College Credit

Missouri S&T Education department offers high school students the opportunity to earn college credit in EDUC 1040 Perspectives In Education (2 credit hours in the fall), EDUC 1104 Field Experience (1 credit hour in the fall – can be taken as dual credit with A+ Cadet Teaching), and EDUC 2102 Psychology of Education (3 credit hours in the spring). Some scholarships are available to pay all or some of the cost of each course. Some school districts award dual credit for these courses, while others allow students to dual enroll as part of their normal high school schedule.

Online flexibility

The course is taught by Education department faculty via synchronous online delivery on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Because of the online synchronous delivery, students from several high schools can come together to form a rich and supportive learning community. Each semester, the students who enroll in the course come together for a full day on campus. These courses have textbooks available for checkout, at no additional cost to the student. 

A+ Cadet Teaching

High School students may use their A+ Cadent Teaching Assignment for field experience hours. The Teacher Field Experience I offers about 30 clock hours for the Semester. These clock hours would need to be completed in an Pre -School, Elementary or Middle School atmosphere. These cannot be completed in your High School classes. You will have additional assignments about your Cadet Teaching experiences. You must have your A+ Coordinators permission to be enrolled in this class. 



Dr. Mary Gillis

Assistant Teaching Professor

Department of Education


Should you have any questions regarding Dual Enrollment for the Department of Education please feel free to contact Dr. Mary Gillis with any inquires you may have.